I have to admit, I’m not really interested in getting too deep in the political fray on this blog. However, I started Considering Tech because I do think that technology and its advances are starting to affect our lives in ways not quite expected. Both for the better and worse. Politics certainly makes up a apart of the lives we live. So, when I heard President Biden’s final remarks a few days before leaving office, I took notice of what he said about technology. I was truly glad that he included something about technology in his farewell address. I think these type of conversations need to be had at all levels of government.

President Biden Talks Technology

In particular, President Biden talked about the United States’ leadership in technology industries. He talked about how the US should continue to be at the forefront of technology development. However, like the old saying goes “To whom much is given, much is required.” While there is the promise of great advances that are beneficial to humanity, there is also the shadow of negative outcomes if we are not careful and responsible in our implementation.

I think everyone should listen to his speech. We are certainly on the precipice of some huge changes to our lives (if we haven’t already past that point). I want to spur people to take notice of what is happening around them. I don’t want people to only realize where we’ve all ended up once its too late. Unlike the luxuries technology usually affords us, if we get this wrong, there won’t be an undo button.

Links to President Biden’s Farewell Address

Today is President Biden’s final full day in office. So, take some time and listen to his farewell address.

President Biden’s Farewell Address. Source: The White House

Remarks at Technology Timestamp: https://youtu.be/m6PN5MP71gg?si=mxk1eBvAYFF23YVk

Full Remarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6PN5MP71gg

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